Long Live the Kings

Rainbow® Sandals Foundation recently made a monetary donation to Long Live the Kings. "Our mission is to restore wild salmon and steelhead and support sustainable fishing in the Pacific Northwest. Our vision is a Northwest with a growing human population, a thriving economy, and strong and vibrant salmon runs.
Our team has been hard at work alongside our partners around Puget Sound. From sampling at the habitat restoration site on Harbor Island in the Port of Seattle and testing fish guidance systems at the Hood Canal Bridge to rearing and re-releasing adult steelhead to their native rivers on Hood Canal, and marking, tagging, and releasing juvenile Chinook salmon on Orcas Island.
This summer, our team will conduct an offshore survey of fish populations throughout the Sound with some of our partners, continue to search for possible solutions to cool the water in the Ship Canal in Seattle, work with the Nisqually Indian Tribe and state transportation department on designs to restore habitat along Interstate 5 in the Nisqually River Delta, and continue our work filtering toxic roadway runoff before it reaches our streams. For more information on any of our projects, visit www.lltk.org."