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Wood River Land Trust

by RSF |

Since 1994, the Wood River Land Trust has been a growing and dynamic presence in the Wood River Valley. They are preserving and protecting the Big Wood River, its tributaries, and the treasured landscapes of central Idaho. Working with a visionary community, we have preserved nearly 27,000 acres and created 16 open preserves and 41 conservation easements. Together, they have celebrated places like the Hailey Greenway, Boxcar Bend, and Howard Preserve, where people can experience healthy activity, pristine waters, and a sense of wonder. With local families, Wood River Land Trust has protected thousands of acres of working lands that conserve critical habitat for wildlife, preserve scenic views of the Valley, and contribute to our agricultural economy. Private landowners and public partners have joined us as we restored miles of river frontage and wetlands. Our preservation and restoration successes have protected many important open spaces that have made our Valley an incredible place to live, work, and play.

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