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News, Information, Blog, Updates | Rainbow Sandals

Terra Nova

by Herman Brown |

Based in Irvine, CA, Terra Nova's expressed mission of loving our community and the world-at-large, well. They have been serving South Orange County for over a decade but with various teams and strategic partners.

Rainbow® Sandals Foundation $10,000 went towards their largest annual project, Kids Feeding Kids. They mobilize local families, including youth from right here in Orange County. Everyone helps to prepare and pack over tens of thousands of meals for children in vetted orphanages in some of the most impoverished areas in the world.

This year, they are purchasing and packaging meals for Legacy Academy in Zambia. TerraNova provides the cost of the food for these meals. The project culminates in two 1-day packing events. All food is packaged, boxed, and immediately prepared for shipment to children in need. The food is shipped directly to the orphanages and given with no strings attached.

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