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News, Information, Blog, Updates | Rainbow Sandals


by Herman Brown |

Oct 14, 2021 Today, we had the pleasure of meeting 12-year-old Ryan Hickman. He and our founder Jay "Sparky" Longley have the same philosophy, to keep objects out of the landfill and, of course, reuse and recycle. With these great mindsets Sparky founded Rainbow® Sandals, and Ryan founded a nonprofit organization called Project3R.

Learn about Ryan's nonprofit: Established in 2020, Ryan Hickman founded the nonprofit organization, Project3R™ which is dedicated to recycling and environmental awareness/education around the world. Recycling is the most important action a society can do to simultaneously help the environment, manufacturing, and the economy and prevent unnecessary waste from going into our landfills, rivers, lakes, and oceans.

Ryan and Project3R™ are proud to follow the same mission as Rainbow Sandals® to help take care of our environment and are very excited to be supported by Rainbow® Sandals Foundation. The funds donated to Project3R™ by Rainbow® Sandals will be used by funding community clean-up events. As well as education programs for kids to learn how important it is to take care of our planet.

Twelve-year-old Ryan Hickman has become an international icon for recycling and environmental awareness. Named one of the top 100 Most Influential People of Orange County, CA, as well as one of the top ten kids changing the world by MSN and Reader’s Digest Top Kids of the Decade Changing the World List, Ryan’s making a difference in the world and has no plans of slowing down any time soon.

“If a twelve-year-old kid like me can make a difference, anyone else can too. When we all do just a little bit, it adds up to a huge difference. Thank you, Rainbow® Sandals for joining me in taking care of our planet and for making such awesome sandals!” -Ryan Hickman

Learn more about Ryan and Project3R at Instagram: @ryans_recycling & @theproject3r

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