
Nov. 17, 2020 Today, we meet with PierPride, they are helping to Preserve a San Clemente Landmark. Rainbow® Sandals Foundation donated $10,000 to the PierPride Foundation. The effort will kick off PierPride's 2021 goal of improving the food concession stand and overall experience at the end of San Clemente’s Historic Pier. To learn more about PierPride visit: http://www.pierpride.org
Pictured below: Rick Divel, San Clemente Patriarch and PierPride board member, Eileen Kawas, PierPride immediate past president, Herman Brown, Rainbow Sandals foundation, Sparky Longley, Rainbow Sandals Founder and CEO, Pat Huber, Rainbow Sandals, Jim Nielsen, PierPride treasurer, and ‘Bentley', Chief of Security, Rainbow Headquarters.